The inner pull of Source

Mar 09, 2025

God Gravity

We all know the gravitational pull of the earth, which keeps us firmly on the ground.

Yet there is also a spiritual gravity, which is drawing us upwards into heightened consciousness. This pull is the call of our essence, from the heart of our soul, the original love of Source.

That deep inner urge we feel towards growth, healing, learning, adventure, creating, discovering, developing… this comes from the divine Core of our evolving soul Self. While never forcing itself, the God Gravity within us quietly, patiently, lovingly inspires us to remember who we are and where our true home lies.

We all know this pull as a desire for more, a longing for happiness, a restless need for something more real and satisfying. As humans, we may respond to that call in worldly ways, seeking to fulfil ourselves through material things such as objects, travel, partners or money.

Ultimately however, our dissatisfaction drives us to look beyond the worldly symbols of Peace. Such things point towards Truth but are not eternal. We want what exists beyond time and space and constant change. Our journey always becomes spiritual in time, because that is where eternity resides.

The loving gravity of our Prime Creator, who is Perfect Love, will naturally and certainly lead us Home eventually. Water cannot but find its way back to the Ocean.

So hear that call, feel its gentle prompting, and trust that Love will bring you back to everything you ever wanted.

"Calling is not only a matter of being and doing what we are but also of becoming what we are not yet but are called by God to be."

Os Guinness

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