A New Dawn

Aug 14, 2024

“Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.” Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 24:16-18)

Over forty ancient cultures, including Mayan, Egyptian, Chinese and Norse, predicted the end of a great time cycle and a shift in consciousness. Themes of new spiritual growth, harmony and ecological awareness are emphasised. We are in that time now.

Some cultures have focused on apocalyptic visions of the world ending, the evil being damned and the righteous ones saved. These more fear-based perspectives are terrifying, but can be taken as motivation to get ourselves sorted out sooner rather than later. Choose the better path.

More modern spiritual teachers describe a timeline split, the end of an age when two earths separate out. Those who have adequately responded to Love over numerous lifetimes are welcomed into the next level of evolution; those who are not ready need to repeat the lessons and remain in the familiar, old world.

Whatever our personal perspective, however spiritually developed or not we may be, we can sense that things are not ‘business as usual’. We know intuitively in our bones that something different is afoot, change is coming. 

Our world is on the cusp of a significant transition; we are not going back to ‘pre-Covid’ ever. A new Light is dawning.

If we interpret the Bible quote above from a deeper, metaphysical angle, it tells us to raise our consciousness from our basic worldly concerns (Judea) up into the mountains of higher frequency, light, truth. To be still, find our centre, elevate our hearts and minds and align into our best selves.

Jesus is also saying, do not try to bring the old along with you, stuff from our house (old sense of self, identity), our old cloak of personality, beliefs, habits. With his earthy metaphors, he is telling us to lift our game, let go of the past, and choose our most loving, peaceful way of being.

Ideally we have used the opportunities given in many challenging lifetimes to heal out fear and grow into love. Maybe this current lifetime, you have focused more on releasing trauma and pain, and forged a deeper connection with truth, beauty, goodness. There is room for everyone to up level, so hopefully we have all learned well enough to progress.

By responding to the loving call of Spirit to remember who we are, we have climbed up to a good spot to watch the new dawn, to welcome in a brighter sun. 

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