The Eye of the Storm

Sep 12, 2024

The Hero/Heroine’s journey. Climbing the mountain. The quest for the Holy Grail. All these metaphors point to the process of moving from human, separated mind to the liberation of Oneness.

Yet the most accurate symbolic image may be the warrior fighting their way through the violent storms of life to the peaceful eye of Home. Finding strength and courage as we battle outer and inner demons and dragons. 

The dark night of the soul, the title of a poem by 16th-century Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross, refers to the challenges of difficult, painful times in life. It sums up the journey of undoing what we are not to emerge into who we truly are.

Trauma survivors know all too well the experience of being flung out from the Center of stillness and joy, into the pain of polarity, the densest duality of egoic fear, guilt, rage. Intensely hard life experiences, such as abuse, neglect, disasters, grief, illness, scream at us a propaganda of littleness, weakness, inconsequence. We are small and we do not matter.

Especially in childhood, when we lack the adult resources of physical size and strength, rational understanding and emotional maturity, these massive stresses get locked in as trauma. We react, shut down, do whatever we need to survive, and end up feeling worthless and alone.

Our lives commence in hell. The loss of soul-Spirit connection leaves us to identify with the human, split, fearful mind. Trauma warriors start out in the harsh lands of complex PTSD, as they begin their odyssey for peace, joy, freedom.

Those who have the resilience and fortitude to survive the bitter plunge pool of their early incarnation, are well tempered to continue the quest for freedom. The strength, bravery and wisdom that developed through the flames and pounding, are now steely armour and sword.

Someone who knows through negative experience what they do not like, what does not feel good, what is not the truth of who they are, has a powerful, conscious appreciation for the opposites.

Trauma has served as a springboard, launching them towards a better place. Armed with discernment and the longing for love, they cut through bramble and vine in relentless pursuit of happiness and tranquillity.

Trauma survivor has become soul warrior. They have battled through fear’s doubts and lies, to emerge victorious into the Light of Great Spirit, the Centre of Being. They have found their way to the Eye of the storm and will never be the same again.

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