The best and worst of times

Sep 15, 2024

Best or worst?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Last newsletter we looked at the how everything is speeding up and amplifying as we move into the new age.

Today let us explore our choice between positive or negative, love or fear, good or bad. How we direct our consciousness will determine how we feel in very immediate and powerful ways.

With so many challenging events playing out in the world at present - from wars, migration crises, assassination attempts to violent protests, gender confusion, aggressive censorship - it is easy and tempting to fall into pessimism. Doom porn is everywhere.

By choosing to see the worst around us, we add to the burden in the world; our focus drags us down into low frequency emotions of anxiety and depression.

However, by realising we can choose what we watch and listen, and how we perceive events around us, we take back control. The best that is unfolding on our planet opens up before our eyes; our mood shifts to joy and calm.

As creative beings, when we focus on something, we lend it our power and it grows stronger. What we believe gets bigger. It is our own attention that gives life to an idea.

Each individual adds to the collective with the perspective they choose. We each have a responsibility to bring in better energies. Not to be in naive denial about the crazy things playing out in our lives and in the world, but to be consciously adding to the good.

It has never been easier to connect with the spiritual worlds. The Gods are lining up to support and assist us with their greater love and wisdom. By choosing to look up and open our hearts and minds, we are helping to anchor greater Light into this planet.

We each have an essential role to play in creating a better earth right now.

“We become what we think about, ” Emerson reminded us: “The ancestor to every action is a thought.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention

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