Tall trees have deep roots

Feb 08, 2024

Our potential is to grow into a strong and mighty tree, soaring into the heavens and sheltering many. With a deep, healthy root system, our tree of self can grow high and withstand the storms of life. A balanced life requires both branches and roots to be developed.

Trees are a good metaphor for our personal development, because they show the vertical, inner dimension of our being (as opposed to the external, horizontal axis, outer life we live). The trunk and branches above the ground symbolise our conscious and superconscious mind, expanding up into Father Spirit. The roots below symbolise the subconscious mind, extending down into Mother Earth.

Do you look after your spiritual and shadow practices equally? The polarity of our inner life needs us to do our spiritual work and therapeutic, shadow work in equal measure. The more we know Spirit, the more light and love we can bring into ourself for healing and extension. The more we face and release our pain and trauma, the more room for love, the more grounded and stable our foundations.

If we do lots of spiritual growth without healing our human roots, we are probably avoiding our shadow material. Spiritual bypassing tends to form an exaggerated sense of our spiritual progress, thinking we are super-enlightened and have transcended our human foibles. We are like a tall tree with shallow roots, not great when the next storm comes along. Think of someone who is very Zen on the meditation or yoga mat, but highly reactive and emotional off it.

At the other end of the vertical polarity, we can do endless therapy, shadow-work, opening up lots of fear-based emotions, negative beliefs and somatic stuckness, but neglect our Soul. Excessive focus on the roots without bringing in the light and nutrients from our leaves and branches, can leave us floundering in the crap and clay of our subconscious. It is like trying to wash off mud without clean water.

A balanced approach to our inner life includes both sides of the polarity, the inner yin and yang of Above and Below. Most people have a bias, and are more comfortable with either the Spiritual or the Shadow side. Recognise your bias, and add more of the other. Your tree of Self will grow faster, stronger, and healthier as a result.

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