Strength from adversity

Nov 03, 2024

Soul Warrior: Someone who has transformed their trauma into powerful qualities making themselves, others and the world a better place.

The Quality of Strength

Have you survived great challenges, possibly from an early age? Abuse of any sort, physical or emotional neglect, a household coping with addiction, conflict, violence, possibly suicide. The level of intensity may range from mild to severe, but any of these experiences is difficult to process, especially with the limited resources we have as a child.

But you did it! You got through somehow, dragging yourself through the struggles into adulthood, even if maybe a very shaky adult at times. Maybe you are well on the way with your healing journey, uncovering the gifts that come from suffering. More than a trauma survivor, you are a soul warrior transmuting darkness into light.

Making it through such ordeals is warrior training.

One of the qualities you have grown within yourself is strength. Just getting to now is proof that you have developed deep qualities of strength and resilience. The beauty of this is that you get to keep such hard-earned gifts for ever, because they have become part of your soul character.

  • Do you recognise your strength?
  • Beneath any unresolved wounding and trauma symptoms, can you see and appreciate your resilience and tenacity?
  • How do you notice your strength showing up in your life?
    Acknowledge your warrior power, claim it, revel in it and know that you can use it with love.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

Khalil Gibran

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