Spirituality and Healing

Feb 25, 2024

As we have been exploring, to heal we need to bring in higher frequencies. This eventually takes us into the spiritual realm, because the finest energies come from our loving Source.

Psychotherapy always becomes a spiritual journey eventually, because we find our spirit Self again as we move beyond the challenges and limitations of our human-mess.

When we access higher light, we turbo charge our healing process.

For many people, religion has become a barrier in their spiritual life. While there much good in most religions as institutionalised spirituality, there is often much fear-guilt-anger mixed in as well. Religion is what the human ego does to the spiritual.

Religion essentially means a belief in a higher power. If we can separate out the chaff of human doctrines, systems, rules of our past association with religion, we get to keep the wheat of love and truth at the core.

We need that wheat to feed our soul.


Have you closed the door on all spirituality due to negative experiences in a church, mosque, temple, synagogue or other religious group?
Has spiritual trauma blocked your connection to the Love that shines beyond the corrupted human institutions?
I would urge you to heal those wounds, to rediscover the purer frequencies of truth, beauty, goodness that come from All That Is, to remember your deepest Self and reclaim your spiritual life.
From the Urantia Book, a spiritual classic first published in 1955 (not easy language at first, but if you persevere the rewards are profound):

“Personal, spiritual religious experience is an efficient solvent for most mortal difficulties: it is an effective sorter, evaluator, and adjuster of all human problems.

Religion does not remove or destroy human troubles, but it does dissolve, absorb, illuminate, and transcend them. True religion unifies the personality for effective adjustment to all mortal requirements.”

Source: The Urantia Book, page 2093 (Urania Foundation, Chicago. Urantia is the spiritual name for earth)

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