Healing as rebirth

Mar 31, 2024

In ancient times, we celebrated springtime (Easter time in the Northern hemisphere), when nature brings forth new life. Eggs and rabbits symbolise fertility and the abundance that sustains us.

In mystical Christianity, Easter is the time when the mighty spiritual being who incarnated as Jesus, moved consciously through the death process. He spent three days releasing souls stuck in the underworld, and bringing powerful forces into reconciled alignment with Divine Purpose.

He then cleared the way for our own spiritual growth and transformation by adopting His spiritual body, showed Himself to almost 1000 witnesses over a month, then returned to His spiritual home at the heart of this universe. This intervention opened the prison door of the material world for humanity.


Imagine how trapped in the material world humanity would still be if not for the intervention of Christ.
Get a sense of the path into the spiritual dimension of ourselves, the cosmos, that He cleared for us all.
Offer a simple “thank you”, for this powerful, loving act of assistance, allowing us to evolve into the full potential of our innermost nature.

Rev Mario Schoenmaker on breaking free:

"We are prisoners within our own souls and we recognise this. Despite our stupidity at times, we know that within us there is something of such radiance and beauty that we can only fall down on our knees and worship that inner self. We must acknowledge, “Thou at the One whom I want to behold”.

Then we can exteriorise these inner feelings towards Jesus Christ or towards another Master. This matters not, for it indicates that the human spirit, perhaps unconsciously, understands that within is imprisoned a splendour so great that it must be released. To release this hidden splendour is the quest of life and the aim of evolution”.

Source: The Destiny of Man: A New Easter Perspective

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