Flying home to Self and Source

Feb 29, 2024

Did you know that a plane never flies in a straight line? The winds up there are constantly pushing the plane off course, requiring the pilot to keep adjusting direction towards the destination. If you drew the flight path, it would be more a zig zagging line; deviate-correct, deviate-correct.

Our human flight path is similar. Our focus deviates off into the matters of matter - work, relationships, travel, shopping, cooking, cleaning - all the aspects of our existence on earth. If we get too caught up in all the details of our outer life, we start to feel flat, uneasy, empty. We know something is missing, and more external stuff just does not fix it. Over time, we can end up in anxiety, depression and despair.

The key purpose of our life is to remember who we are, to fly home to Self. While our outer life gives us experiences, learning and growth, it is our inner life that gives us purpose and meaning. When we realise there is a destination to reach in our life that lies beyond the world and all it offers, we can redirect the plane to that greater goal. It is an inward journey.

Ultimately our goal is to return to the Source of our being, the place we came from originally. We have ventured far from Home, bringing our conscious awareness into distant corners of creation. This is the purposeful ‘out-breath of Brahma’, the unending expansion of the cosmos. We are born on the frontier lands of creation, to experience and transform them and our souls through our consciousness. This furthers the gradual spiritualisation of matter.

But from day one, our ‘plane' wants to fly back to Source. When aimed at the spiritual destination of our divine origin, we feel safely held in peace and purpose. We live in connection with the greater Power that created us and loves us completely. We feel on track, and all our doing is blessed with joy and meaning.

Our ego wants us to deviate off the flight path in stubborn wilfulness, to make our home on the barren rocks of form. Our Soul Self wants to bring us home to the reality of Spirit that exists eternally beyond time, space, and the bare rocks of creation.

So let us remember who and what we really are, plug back into the greater Will that loves and supports us, and let the autopilot of Spirit guide us smoothly back to our ultimate, inevitable destination - Home.

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