Exploring different accounts of people meeting Jesus

Dec 24, 2023

At this time, we celebrate the birth of the Creator God of this local universe into human form on earth. There is much confusion and conflict around the person of Joshua Ben Joseph, so past life and clairvoyant accounts of him are a very helpful, ‘primary source’ way to understand him.

Here is an extract from Dolores Cannon, working in deep hypnosis with someone who was a woman at the temple in Jerusalem, spiritually trained yet relegated to caring for the children:

“We are of like mind. It’s almost as if there is a… connection,, even at this distance. Oooh! Yes, he felt the connection. He is coming! He is coming up the stairs. To see the children! The crowd is following him. He perceives the light around the children. He understands.

[What does his face look like?] Strong… and gentle… and love. That is all that is on his face… is love. He is not big. So gentle. So kind… very deep eyes, almost as if there is no end to them.

His light has expanded to take in our light. The children are glowing. Alive…yes, the energy is… Oooh! My whole body is tingling. The whole thing is as we are out of time and space…

It’s as if he understands who I am. And that does not need to be spoken to. It’s as if he is being an example for the children. That his presence here, the time he has spent with them in this moment, will stay with them all of their lives. That is his main purpose for coming over, for the children to have this experience of energy and bonding and being lifted up in this white light…”

Source: They Walked with Jesus

Now Beth Geer shares her brief past life encounter, as a man come to hear Jesus speak:

“… there He stood, in a small clearing, getting ready to speak. He seemed to be waiting for the people to settle and hush…

Jesus then moved forward as if to begin speaking, and at that moment, I caught sight of His face. In this instant, I was forever changed. He made eye contact with me, and something within me was instantly healed and transformed.

I was suddenly filled with awe and love more intense than I'd ever imagined possible. Something supremely good surged forward from deep within me, rising up to the surface of my consciousness, as if to greet God Himself. It was as though all the goodness that lay hidden within me suddenly sprang to life. I felt an ancient calling, an unexplainable pull forward; I was deeply compelled by a Great Love and Goodness to be more than I thought I was”

Source: https://www.awakening2onelove.com/blog/2023/9/3/my-past-life-during-the-time-of-jesus

Finally, an account from a clairvoyant reading by Mario Schoenmaker:

“We see entity in the land of Palestine, where entity was associated with the Essenes… Entity was a female here, associated with herbs, agriculture, plants, the mixing of medicines, and selling in the market places; especially working with women and children.

In that capacity you met the Christ when he was but a young man. He was twenty-six or twenty-seven while you were already an older woman in your forties. He made a great impression upon you as he travelled from place to place, repairing agricultural implements, yet sitting with the folk at night and talking - already then his power was immense.

And you felt his presence even months after he had left, as it was burned into your soul. You were present at the crucifixion, and were one of the women that cried along the road.

Unknowingly you were also part of that section of the Essenes that prepared the inns, the houses, and prepared for the couple to have the birth there. Thus you saw him and held him as a baby, for the story as we find it in Luke chapter two indicates a place of the Essenes. Thus there is a deep relationship, sometimes conscious in those days, and often unconscious, with the Christ”

Source: The New Clairvoyance: Deeper Perspectives on the Aura and Reincarnation

Hope these stories give you a fuller understanding of Jesus, divine and human.


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