Everything is amplified

Sep 08, 2024

Dial it Up!

“December 21 2024 marks the completion of a 12 year cycle since the famous December 21 2012 end of the world/Mayan calendar date, which actually signified the end of the old world and the beginning of the new. It marked the completion of a 25,800 year cycle. The precession of the equinoxes, the cycle of the zodiac, and the beginning of the age of Aquarius.”

Karla Holmes

Everything is amplified right now, speeding up and getting more intense. My understanding is that the planet is being bombarded with more photons from space, increasing the amount of energy we are having to deal with. More light is landing here.

Some people describe our moment history as a timeline split, where old consciousness is separating out from the new, higher consciousness. Many of us are struggling to keep up!

Things feel faster, busier, ramped up somehow. Physically this can cause fatigue, headaches, nausea and exacerbate existing health problems.

Mentally we can feel overwhelmed and fried. If we don’t find stillness, our heads can feel hectic, confused, close to burnout.

Emotionally, this increase in vibration is stirring up anything old and stuck. As a psychologist, I am finding more people presenting with secondary emotions such as anxiety, depression, compulsions and addictions. The root causes of unresolved trauma are being amplified, increasing the symptoms.

While very stressful, now is also the best opportunity for doing deeper inner work. Our issues are being brought to the surface, not to punish us, but to get our healing attention. We need to do our shadow work.

Even a year ago, it was enough to do a therapy session once every week or two. Now I am finding, personally and professionally, that we need a multi-pronged approach, addressing whatever is holding us back from several angles at once.

So don’t sit and suffer. Reach out for support. Let your research and intuition guide you to the helpers you need to clear out the old and welcome in the new more comfortably.

“As the frequency of our planet increases and the higher dimensions begin to envelop our world, so will visits by the gods increase.

The veil between our dimensions is thinning now and we will begin to see hitherto invisible things appear before our eyes. Physicality itself is changing and the environment is transforming. New forms will manifest as vibrations are raised within us and all around us. We will need to broaden our minds so as to understand this new world and its brand-new forms.

There are exciting times ahead. We are on the cusp of entering an entirely new paradigm; indeed, a new dimension. The lid is being lifted right now, if we have the right consciousness to see it.”

Sophia Ovidne, Guide to Consciousness and the Unseen Universe



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