Deep Psychology

Jul 16, 2024

To heal deep wounds, we need deep psychology. We need tools and support to take our loving awareness right down to the cellular level, where our pain is stored. To face our buried trauma at its source. Only by meeting the stuck energy where it lies can we hope to transmute and release the charge.

In my experience, our most challenging, persistent problems stem from early, often long-forgotten origins. The trapped emotions lie in subterranean places that require some digging to get to them. Beyond counselling, deep therapy requires gentle but persistent effort to move beyond our natural resistance and automatic defences.

Over time, we peel away layers of negative beliefs, mistaken ideas, feelings of fear, grief, guilt, rage.

We clear space for better thoughts, feelings, behaviours in our lives. As deep as you want to go.

Most people seek help because of pain, motivated to end the suffering stemming from their unresolved history. Events long past can still be confrontingly loud and present in our lives today. We cannot just ‘let the past go’, because it is not in the past; our body-mind is holding the pattern as if we are still right there in the original event.

The ‘groundhog day’ of unhealed trauma.

With patience and perseverance however, we can uncover the parts of us still stuck in old experiences. With compassion and acceptance, we correct thoughts of error, finish feeling the old emotions, and let the energy go forever.

Psychotherapy is there to help set us free from the past.

In the space created, we find ever-clearer reflections of our true nature, the greater Self that was hidden beneath the shadow clouds of fear and ego. We discover aspects of Self that were always there at our core, just covered over by the muck of undigested life.

We start therapy to heal our wounds; we end therapy as a spiritual adventure.

The healing journey eventually always becomes a spiritual journey. Because at the heart of a human is an eternal soul, a unique expression of perfect, prime Creator. Releasing the fear and ego we never truly were, allows us to remember the love, peace, joy that are our birthright gifted from Source.

The deepest goal of holistic psychology is to heal the human so we can choose the divine.

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