Choose healing

Apr 14, 2024

The Healing Choice

We are moving through a timeline split, where higher and lower collective consciousness is separating out. We know something unusual is happening in the world, as loving thoughts and intentions create greater openness and freedom, and fear-based patterns entropy downwards into darker stuckness and control.

Please let me know if you want me to talk more about this process of parting between old and new earths.

On a personal level too, we are always choosing either love and fear. Love is higher frequency; fear lower on the continuum. Love feels good; fear feels bad.

If healing is the movement into lighter, easier vibrations in mind and body, then we could understand it as choosing greater love. It is an active process of creating the life we desire.

We get strong feedback too, on the quality of the thoughts, emotions, behaviours we choose:

“I don’t think I deserve this promotion”, leads to shame, disappointment.
“I am so angry at that person, I want them to suffer”, leads to vengeance, guilt.
“I know this second dessert is a bad idea!”, leads to sugar crash, upset stomach!
These are examples of conscious choices. We might need some counselling, coaching, practice to improve these choices, but what we are conscious of, we have choice around.

But what about our unconscious choices? So much we ‘choose’ is done by our subconscious programming, repeating patterns on autopilot:

Beliefs from childhood, such as “I am unworthy”, “people abandon you”, “the world is unsafe”, keep us scared and isolated.

Trapped emotions of fear-guilt-rage, can manifest as anxiety, depression, addiction, ADHD, CPTSD.
Somatically stuck energy and stress, can cause pain, illness, health problems in our physical body.
It is time, my friend, to heal out your fears, relinquish the ego and replace them with love. This lightens the load, clears the body-mind and frees you to flow more easily with the upward current of new earth.

Eckhart Tolle on conscious change:

“To recognise one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. A new dimension of consciousness had begun to emerge on the planet, a first tentative flowering. Those rare individuals [Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus] then spoke to their contemporaries. They spoke of sin, of suffering, of delusion. They said, “Look how you live. See what you are doing, the suffering you create.” They then pointed to the possibility of awakening from the collective nightmare of “normal” human existence. They showed the way.”

Source: A New Earth: Create a Better Life

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