Can things be too comfortable?

Aug 04, 2024

The Curse of Wonderful

We all want a wonderful life. Good health, harmonious relationships, beautiful home, plenty of money… a dream life where everything is smooth, pleasant, enjoyable.

While such a life ticks all the boxes of our human desires and expectations, it can be a poisoned chalice that drugs us into a numb acceptance of the world as it is.

Too good a time in the space-time simulation curses us to an unending sleep, dreaming our life away in unconscious stupor. It is all too easy in such a happy state to avoid, distract, ignore that still, small voice within saying, “Wake up!”

In truth, everyone is suffering to some degree, even those too wealthy and healthy to notice. A child raised in even the most functional, loving home, will still express feelings of lack, separation, unease.

They know something is missing.

Those in great pain are blessed. Blessed by thorns that barb them into growth, prod them towards healing. “There must be something better than this!” Pain is the motivator. It drives us to seek more than this ‘vale of tears’ can offer.

The journey of awakening often starts with therapy. A person longing for a life beyond trauma, illness and grief. With time, courage, effort, they heal out the darkness, allowing more light to shine within.

Eventually, therapy always becomes a spiritual journey, as the person breaks through the veil of illusion and reconnects with their greater Self, the Real world, All That Is.

Our pain is in truth our greatest blessing, the catalyst for our return Home in consciousness. Our constant reminder that we are more than body-brain-human personality. Our closest ally in our core life purpose; to remember who and what we really are.

“How hard is it to adjust to Earth life? Many incarnated adults only seem to be “grown up.” Inwardly they’re protesting humanity still; angels in human form who never manage to accept those harsh and dumbed-down vibrational frequencies, no matter how many years they breathe air and how strongly their human hearts beat.”

Rose Rosetree, Bigger than All the Night Sky: The Start Of Spiritual Awakening. A Memoir.

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