Are your head and heart connected?

Aug 25, 2024

From Head to Heart

“The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart.” Sioux Indian saying

Our thoughts and beliefs determine what our lives look like. Our intellectual awareness is an essential intelligence for navigating the challenges we face. We need a good head brain to increase our knowledge and guide our steps.

Human thinking, the rational intellect, have progressed us from cave dwellers to interstellar explorers. Science, guided by our IQ, has achieved much that is beneficial. There is nothing wrong with our heads per se.

However, rationality without empathy, intellect without feeling, knowledge without compassion, become a weapon in the hands of a child. We are witness to the destruction caused by head without heart in our personal lives, our relationships and our natural environment.

Now more than ever, we need to connect with our heart brain. The heart transforms dry, brittle information into understanding. Our EQ (emotional intelligence) transmutes cold, clinical perception into rich, warm wisdom.

Heart is flesh and blood upon the hard bones of head.

Suggestions for cultivating head-heart connection:

  • Slow down, be restful, make yourself more peaceful and notice your heart
  • Deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation allow awareness to drop down
  • Choose gratitude, love, kindness, compassion feelings
  • Seek psychotherapy, kinesiology, emotion code work to remove heart walls

“The heart is forever making the head its fool.” François de La Rochefoucauld

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