Add & Subtract - Spirituality

Jan 31, 2023

Today's theme is Spirituality


Where can we add a moment of quiet in our day? 

A minute to stop, notice the sky, listen to our breathing, take pause. A minute to close our eyes and drop inwards. A minute to put aside the frantic doing and reflect. 

Only in stillness will we hear the still, small voice of our soul.

Suggestion: stop, close your eyes and count ten long, easy breaths. Notice the sounds and sensations you experience. 

How do you feel after this quick practice? Same or different?

Philosopher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov on silence:

“True silence is not simply the absence of noise… it is the most luminous, the most powerful, the most beautiful of worlds; it is the centre from which stem all creations.”

Source: The Path of Silence


Those of us old enough to remember life before mobile phones and home computers are fortunate; we have in our DNA stored memories of simpler, quieter, more reflective times. More space to play, work, create and just be.

Suggestions: how could you unplug some of the noise assaulting your senses from all sides? 

Wait for one hour after waking before checking your phone, your emails or checking the news (allowing your system to ease into your day).

Switch off notifications to minimise switching (it takes twenty minutes to regain deep focus after a distraction!).

Turn off the TV/radio/computer, place the phone face down in silent mode, when having a conversation with a real, flesh-blood-bone person.

Let your children have time and freedom to play, unstructured and tech-free.

Author Johann Hari on distractions:

“There’s broad scientific evidence that if you are sitting in a noisy room, your ability to pay attention deteriorates, and your work gets worse… we live surrounded by shrieking distractions calling for our attention”

Source: Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention

Hope you enjoy playing with these ideas. If you have any feedback, comments or questions, feel free to get in touch.

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