Add & Subtract - Projection

Jan 14, 2024

Today we revisit Projection

Like the content on film in a movie projector, what we hold in our mind and heart is projected out onto the screen of the world.

We then perceive this movie as the external reality happening to us, rather than our own thoughts and feelings coming back.

We believe we are innocent victims of an attacking world, but in truth we are constantly creating of our own experiences, our own reality.


By understanding we are a creative force (lamp in projector), living the story (on screen) of our beliefs (what we hold on the celluloid), we gain power of choice.

Our responsibility is to change how we see and respond to situations. While outer circumstances may not alter (immediately), our state of peace and happiness will.

Suggestion: imagine yourself in the middle of your current life movie. Play with the best attitude you can muster, choosing to see the best in self and others. Notice joyful feelings as you engage with others, yourself, the world with a positive, loving, forgiving mindset.

Observe how your mind shines, your feelings lighten and your body relaxes in the story you have created.

Psychiatrist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl:

“We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way”

Source: Man’s Search For Meaning


The most powerless, helpless and painful position to live life from is victim, seeing events on the screen happening to us without any control.

Suggestion: think of a current situation where you feel judged, attacked, maligned. Without trying to fix it ‘out there’ on the screen, bring your awareness back to your celluloid. Experiment with thinking differently about the person involved, lifting your perspective higher. Know you are an eternal lamp of divine origin, and nothing playing out on the screen could ever change that truth. Notice how that feels.

Zen story about two celibate monks on a long journey:

"One morning they came to a stream swollen with floodwater. On the bank was a young woman who couldn’t get across. The older of the two monks hoisted her onto his broad shoulders, and both monks walked into the water and crossed safely to the other side. After thanking the old monk, the woman went on her way.

The two monks walked in silence till dusk, but there was tension in the air. The dam of emotional intensity in the younger monk eventually burst. “The rules of our religion forbid us to touch women,” he said. “How could you have done that?”

“My son,” said the older monk, “I picked her up and set her down this morning. You have been carrying her all day.”

Source: Dawson Church; Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality

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