Add & Subtract - New Earth

Jul 02, 2023

Today we consider the New Earth.

From Eckhart Tolle:

“a Bible prophecy… speaks of the collapse of the existing world order and the arising of “a new heaven and a new earth”. We need to understand here that heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness. Earth, on the other hand, is the outer manifestation in form, which is always reflective of the inner. Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. “A new heaven” is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and “ a new earth” is its reflection in the physical realm”

Source: A New Earth: Create a Better Life


Many ancient cultures spoke of the times of change in which we now live. They all described a separating out of the old and the emergence of the new. The quality and degree of this change would always depend upon what the collective chose.

The collective consists of interconnected individuals, like the ocean is comprised of merged water droplets. Our collective ‘ocean’ changes when enough individuals change themselves. No one can do it for us, although there is always help available. It is up to us.

Suggestion: Spend time every day dropping in. However you prefer to achieve this, find a peaceful state and reconnect to your soul.

In that place, imagine yourself as you would most like to be. See the life you are living, feeling the quality of love and lightness in your mind and body. Sense the finer way you are joining with Self, others and all of nature.

Know that you are helping to bring heaven on earth.

Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett on the required shift:

“Our planet, our home, is demanding a greater largeness of being. It is demanding an entire shift in our awareness, in the way we think, in the way we act, in the way we are. Ultimately it is demanding a fundamental shift in consciousness itself.

It will be seen in the ways we do business, in our intelligent use of planetary resources, in our understanding of the interdependence of all living systems, in our love of diversity, in our tolerance of differences, and in our generosity of heart.

These will be the natural expression of a more fundamental change in the way we know ourselves”

Source: Consciousness The New Currency: A New Paradigm for Manifesting Conscious Abundance, Lasting Fulfilment and a Sustainable Future


We are moving through a transition stage in which the denser, outdated forms of society are collapsing. Old institutions of government, media, entertainment, education, healthcare, defence and so on, are no longer serving the functions for which they were originally created. We live in messy and confusing times.

Many structures once supportive of human needs and endeavour, are now redundant and retrograde. We can see this in more obvious instances of corruption, inequality, greed, control and dominance. Old and dark driven by fear.

The old consciousness is also contaminating many new impulses as they arise:

the recent global response of well-meaning healthcare professionals to a pandemic morphing into tyrannical lockdowns, mandates, censorship and the erosion of privacy and informed, free choice
greater understanding and tolerance of sexual and gender diversity being hijacked by the dark, as witnessed in pedophiliac grooming of children at drag story times and highly sexualised shows at schools and libraries growing environmental awareness drowning in a ‘green wash’ of batteries, wind turbines and the culling of farting cows, devouring huge amounts of minerals, vast areas of land (pristine rainforest here in Queensland) and destroying our food supplies. These outer forms reflect the collective inner darkness, which only changes a drop at a time. The more we own, heal and transmute our personal shadow, the more space we create for new, higher and heavenly states.

Our job right now is to anchor our hearts and minds in the new, imagining and creating a better world within ourselves and extending to others. It is the time for stillness, meditation, inward connection to our loving Source and to others, that our light might shine through us and illumine our world.

Chiron & Sophia Ovidne reminding us that space travel is not the answer:

“We are, to all intents and purposes, evacuating the old Earth and moving ourselves to a new planet. Yet don’t be fooled. Our feet will not be leaving terra firmer, but our consciousness will cross the millimetres and cross the abyss that lies between Earth and Heaven. It is not so much a physical journey as a journey of the mind to higher vibrations”

Source: Training Manual for Gods: Book One; Consciousness and the Unseen Universe

Let us join together in creating the world we want.

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