Add & Subtract - Logo

Jun 11, 2023

This week we look at the Awaken Therapy Logo


The Awaken logo contains a few symbolic elements:

The rich orange of the rising sun symbolises our own inner sun, the radiant source of light and love that shines from the centre of our soul. I believe we are eternal spiritual beings created as extensions of perfect Love. Therefore, our therapy is intended to clear the way for our remembering and living from our divine core, a dawning of our essential Selves.

The tongues of flame represent the cleansing fire of our healing work. We bring powerful, loving consciousness into the endarkened corners of our psyche, to burn away the fear and dross, guilt, sadness and rage; to cleanse the mind of all false narratives about self, life, Source.

The flames can also be seen as feathers of a wing which is unfurling. We do the deep, mature work of ‘owning our stuff’ to heal away what keeps us in split, separated, ego mind. To gradually spread our wings and soar as the creative, protective beings of love whom Love made us to be.

Myself, on the ultimate goal of therapy:

“Although embracing change and thinking for ourselves may set us apart from the mainstream, this is where our true freedom lies. And it is through our personal change that change eventually manifests in the external world. “Be the change you want to see in the world”, said the great pacifist Gandhi, who did indeed change the world significantly.

Ultimately, the only choice there is, however, is between separation and oneness, matter and spirit, illusion and truth. Every part of our journey is steering us towards that eventual realisation. However balanced and whole we get our vehicle and outer life, the final step takes us past form altogether, to expand our minds once more into the Totality of All”

Source: Maps for the Journey: A Concise Guide To Navigating Life


The pure light of our inner sun can never be extinguished, but it can be obscured by heavy clouds of fear and anger. Infinite Reality made us unlimited and eternal, so nothing can harm, change or destroy our true nature. However we can experience an utter separation from Light, a suffering devoid of the sun’s warming rays. We can be in a state of mind where the love of our deepest Self, the divine Love of Source, appears to be completely absent.

This is hell. An existence of pain where we have forgotten who we are and where we come from. The prodigal son far from home. Lost in the muck of our fear-guilt-rage.

But just as even the heaviest tornado has no impact whatsoever on the sun blazing so far above its chaos, so our anguish changes not one iota the reality of our true Self.

Suggestion: How would it feel to see all your unresolved issues, wounding, trauma and so on, as merely temporary forgetfulness of who you really and always are?

However stuck and difficult the residue of emotions and fear-based thinking might be, what’s that like to know that they are just clouds of mistaken ideas which will eventually blow away?

“Forgive me my illusions Father, and help me to accept my true relationship with you, in which there can be no illusions and where none can ever enter.

My holiness is Yours.

What can there be in me that needs forgiveness, when Yours is perfect.

The sleep of forgetfulness is only my unwillingness to remember Your forgiveness and Your love”

Source: A Course in Miracles: Complete and Annotated Edition (Circle of Atonement)

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