Add & Subtract - Forgiving God

Jul 30, 2023

Today we consider Forgiving God


We have all shaken our fist at Whoever/Whatever created us at times, because it is just so hard down here! The trials and tribulations of life can be so relentless, that we cannot help but feel punished and persecuted.

When our soul leaves our spiritual home to join with a body-brain-personality, a veil comes over our knowing of Self. We enter into incarnation in a state of forgetfulness of our greater Personality, and experience the assaults of unevolved humanity as innocent, powerless victims.

As we heal, grow and transcend our small identity, the veil lifts. We remember who we are, why we are here and the purpose of the ordeals we have chosen. Accepting our role in choosing life experiences - the meaning behind the madness - helps us to forgive our God-Source-Creator.

Dr. Michael Newton on life selection:

“Amnesia is imposed upon us when we come into a current life, so that past life experiences will not inhibit self-discovery in the present.

Without knowing why, most people believe their life has a plan. Of course, they are right. Although amnesia does prevent having full conscious knowing of this plan, the unconscious mind holds the key to spiritual memories of a general blueprint of each life”

Source: Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives



As we heal through the raw material of our traumas, including just dealing with the struggles of daily living in duality, we start to understand the reasons for our and others behaviours. Eventually we are left only with the pure gifts of growth that have risen from the ashes of our pain.

Inner work allows us to move from victim-blame into an appreciation for what it was all about, what the suffering created within us. Qualities such as strength and fortitude, compassion and empathy, wisdom and intuition do not come lightly, but as a result of challenge.

When we understand that All That Is somehow wants us to join Them in perfected Love and God Consciousness, to evolve into Co-Creators with the Divine, the sometimes brutal process of refining makes sense.

The human life we choose on a soul level is always exactly what will best support our development.

Dr. Linda Backman on soul evolution:

“The soul’s genius creates an intricate pre-birth design to carry out your progress. The specifics of the life plan may be complex or quite simple, and the intention of the incarnation may be to focus on your own evolution or serve that of others, or both. Evolution requires each of us as a soul to live in the now, while acknowledging and releasing our past to create intention for the future.

Between your most recent past life and your emergence into life today, in collaboration with your guides, you created a pre-birth blueprint. Each event of your now is vital, no matter how small or large, leading your soul evolution onward”

Source: The Evolving Soul: Spiritual Healing Through Past Life Exploration



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