Add & Subtract - Feeling-Emotion

Mar 12, 2023

Today's theme is Feeling-Emotion

When we are present and aligned with our love-based Self, we think higher vibrational thoughts. These thoughts generate better feelings, comfort in the body and helpful for connection with others.

When we are caught up in fear-based ego (lower, false self), our lower-frequency, past-future thoughts generate heavy emotions. These isolate us and can make our body sick over time.


Feeling, thinking and sensing are the mediums though which our soul experiences life. Feelings can be intense and difficult (such as in grief, sorrow), and overwhelmingly ecstatic (deep joy, peace, love).

Suggestion: Take a minute to get grounded in your body, deepen the breathing and be present to how you are feeling. Access the core of feeling flowing beneath the noise of emotion on the surface.

Notice how all feeling is somehow okay when we are present, in our loving centre.

Author Gary Zukav on thoughts and emotional frequencies:

"Thoughts of vengeance, violence, and greed... create emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear. These are low-frequency currents of energy, and therefore, they lower the frequency of your Light, or consciousness. Creative or loving or caring thoughts invoke high-frequency emotions [feelings], such as appreciation, forgiveness, and joy, and raise the frequency of your system.

If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy currents to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy currents to you will create physical and emotional [feeling] health"

Source: The Seat of the Soul


We can also see emotion as feelings we push away in overwhelm, dislike and fear. They build up over time, neuropeptides stuck in our cell receptors.

These old feelings will come up when we are triggered, tempting us to project onto self and others in destructive ways.

Suggestion: Next time you experience a sudden intrusion of emotion (state of activation often known as a dummy spit, hissy fit, tantrum!), be aware that you have slipped into the past.

Name it out loud ("Sorry, I am triggered right now"). Take yourself away from the situation if possible, and as the emotional wave passes through, ask yourself, "What does this remind me of?", "When have I felt this way before?"

If we step back from the charge, we can avoid getting stuck in the old energy and come back to the present sooner.

Diana and Michael Richardson with a clear definition:

"The vital difference between emotion and feeling is that emotions have their roots in the past, and feelings relate to the present moment. Emotions represent our feelings which were not previously expressed, and these accumulate with time"

Source: Tantric Love: Feeling vs Emotion; Golden Rules to Make Love Easy

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