Add & Subtract - Event Horizon

Dec 10, 2023


In the astrophysics of black holes, an event horizon is the boundary beyond which matter or radiation cannot escape its gravitational field. Particles drawn in past the event horizon, while previously free to move in open space, are now inevitably pulled into the hole. Even the speed of light is insufficient velocity to leave.

The event horizon of our times is the broadening boundary separating the old and new world consciousnesses. The lower, darker frequencies of fear-guilt-rage have been our evolutionary bandwidth for millennia. We have experienced, learned and grown in this environment in deep, powerful ways; the rich, smelly compost heap of our development!

Some souls have not responded to the calls of Spirit, Peace, Love offered continuously like the beams of a lighthouse shining through the stormy dark. As this old world separates out, it will pull those souls with them. While there is room for all souls in the new, perhaps many will have missed the chance to respond to the light, will be pulled away and continue their evolutionary journey in the same old bandwidth.

For those who have at least started their spiritual progress, the call is to keep up-levelling into the higher frequencies of new earth. You are reading this newsletter now because you are on your journey.

To anchor ourselves in higher energies, we need to focus on uplifting our hearts and minds as best we can; keep our eyes on the prize. Anything that engenders peace, calm, joy is welcome: meditation, community, nature, sharing, dancing, gardening, surfing, whatever brings you into your love-zone.

At the core of all spiritual practice are two basic principles:

There is an infinite realm beyond the material, the nature of which is love-peace-joy
We are all children of this realm, so love each other as spiritual siblings
The more we bring these truths into our thinking, feeling and actions, the more firmly we plant our feet on new earth. The more smoothly and easily we surf through the coming waves.

Black Elk:

“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realise their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realise at the centre of the universe dwells the Great Spirit and that its centre is really everywhere, it is within each of us”


These days of unprecedented change are a transition period from old world to the new. The pull of the old consciousness is still strong in many of us personally, and therefore collectively, so the separating out process is messy, conflictual and full of pain.

We have been seeing this playing out with increasing turmoil the last few years, and some believe there are a couple more years to go before the final split. It is alarming to see how quickly things have changed, and how divided people have become over so many issues.

These are birthing pains, and while it is important to have some awareness of what is happening, it is not helpful to focus on the event horizon. Too much attention given to the confusion, conflicts and desperate acting out of darker minds (i.e. depopulation, control agendas), leans us near the gravitational pull of the black. We don’t want to get sucked down the plughole.

So while it is human nature to look at the car crash as we drive past, understand it as an inevitable untangling of light and dark. We are not naive or ignorant around these darker forces. But our task right now, is to keep healing out any ballast in our psyches (through our shadow work) and filling up with the ever-brighter Light that is flooding into our world.

“If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining”

Ascended master Chiron, through Sophia Ovidne:

“Do not falter now at the final hurdle. Stay within these heavenly walls. Do not allow yourself to be caught up in Earth’s final whirlpool. Stay away from the ‘event horizon’ and do not get pulled in. Stabilise yourself in our godly halls. Grab onto what you know and love, and make yourself fast that you cannot be dragged from Heaven. Sever any anchors, any tails of consciousness that may be tugging you down. Free yourself from its reaches like grasping, gnarled fingers trying to clutch you back to Earth.

Fly, my dear gods. You have the power to fly”

Source: Training Manual for Gods: Book 2, Arrival of the Gods

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