Add & Subtract - Body Care

Feb 19, 2023

Today's theme is Body Care

Our physical form is an expression and representation of our true Self. This ‘flesh suit’ is a temporary vehicle for the real You that is eternal and of divine origin.
Obsessive focus and identification with our body keeps us away from knowing our greater Truth, and the peace and freedom only that knowing can bring.
However, as long as we are on a human journey, caring for our body in a loving, balanced way is appropriate and helpful.


We have all learned through experience the things that bring lightness and ease to our mental and physical wellbeing.

Living in the duality of form requires a constant adjusting to stress, change, pollution, food additives… We seek the balance that allows our awareness to break through the pain and noise, to find what lies beyond.

Suggestion: choose to add one thing a day that makes your body-mind feel better.

  • Eat an extra serve of fruit or vegetables
  • Drink another glass of water
  • Stop and breathe with eyes closed for a moment
  • Do an extra ten minutes of movement, stretching, stair-climbing, strength training...
  • Whatever the health level of your current lifestyle, notice how you feel after adding one positive change.

Self-cured health researcher Jason Shon Bennett:
“Small steps, done well, and built on each other, are the secret to lasting change and lifelong powerful vitality and longevity. There is no rush.”
Source: My 20 Golden Rules: Your Guide to Exceptional Health


Our unhealthy choices can come from habit, conditioning (what we were raised with, what is ‘normal’ in our society), self-medication of unresolved wounding, just wanting a reward!
Removing a substance or activity that puts more burden on the body can free up a lot of energy.

Suggestion: choose to subtract one thing a day that makes your body-mind feel worse.

  • Skip that second (or third, or fourth…) coffee for the day (mushroom drinks are a great alternative)
  • Have an alcohol-free day (try a Soba beer instead)
  • Replace that sugary snack with nuts or a piece of fruit
  • Swap some screen time for a board game, dance to a favourite song, take an evening walk

Reward yourself with a proud pat on the back for using your will so powerfully.

Andrew May describing his turning point:
“Looking back, I was in complete denial. I knew what I ‘should’ do to maintain a good level of health and fitness, but I was stuck in a cycle of poor habits, poor choices and poor mental health. The alcohol, chips and sugar; the late nights partying and lack of sleep; along with the stress, lack of strength training, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances had caught up with me. I lay in bed that night and thought, This has got to change”
Source: Matchfit: The Complete Manual to Get Your Body and Brain Fit For Work and Fit For Life

Hope you find these suggestions helpful. If you have any feedback, comments or questions, feel free to get in touch.

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